Italian Painter
Twenty-one miles south of Milan lay the city of Pavia, Italy, famous for wine, cheese, silk, marble and the artist Lucio Sollazzi. Born in Pavia in 1925, Sollazzi studied with the artist Borgognoni and his talent was quickly recognized. He soon gathered an international following and is well received at annual exhibitions in the United States, Monte Carlo, Italy and myriad countries world-wide. He has been the subject of numerous books and magazine articles and is housed in collections public and private of stellar dimensions.
Art critics both in the United States and abroad are impressed with Sollazzi's mastery of chiaroscuro, the ability to paint such high contrast into the scene, that even in minimal light the work has brilliance and life.
Sollazzi's subject matter renders life-like scenes from Greece, Italy, the North African coast and numerous small villages throughout the Mediterranean and Aegean seas which mirror the village of his childhood and are therefore close to his heart. Sollazzi's majestic architectural pieces, rendered with such brilliance and integrity, tend to be infused with small touches of whimsy, giving them a heart-warming charm. Sollazzi's genius is more than his technique, which is admittedly, flawless. It is his ability to create a scene into which the viewer wishes to be drawn.
Although volumes could be said about Sollazzi’s work, and have been, his work truly speaks for itself. ZANTMAN ART GALLERIES is pleased to have represented the work of this brilliant artist for 34 years.