(1921 – 2007)
De Gallard was born on the 1st April 1921, at Villiefranche-d’Allier. He originally studied medicine but gave this up in 1943 to study painting at the Arts Decoratifs and L'Ecole Charpenteir.
In 1948 and 1949 he took part in two exhibitions which included the works of Buffet, Minaux, Lorjou and Rebeyrolles. The theme of the exhibitions was "Man as Witness" and these were considered the most important post-war manifestations of figurative painters as opposed to abstract painters.
He was elected a member of the Salon d'Automne in 1949 and in 1950 was elected Founder Member of the Salon des Jeunes Peintres. Since 1945 he has taken part in all the official French Salons and has won many awards as well as having held many solo exhibitions worldwide.
He appeared on television in September 1969 on a programme called "Atelier 70” and was the subject of a documentary film called "La Ronde" which was produced by Gastine. Since 1971, he has been represented by the Galerie de la Presidence in Paris. De Gallard has taken part in many group exhibitions in France, other European countries and most recently in Japan. De Gallard is considered to be one of France’s most eminent figurative painters as well. His technique recalls the style of the great Parisian post-impressionists of the early years of France.
Zantman Art Galleries is proud to have represented his work of this uniquely talented artist for over 30 years.
French Artist - Post Impressionist